Readers will notice that today Ibrox Noise has been praising the new board (well, that’s effectively what it is) and in particular CEO James Bisgrove for the impacting improvements we’re already seeing since the new men were installed, and the old rubbish was removed.
Now, we can say with a hint of certainly we’re big backers of these guys; chairman John Bennett is a Rangers man through and through with a massive background in business, for now we have no unnecessary Director of Football at all at Ibrox which for us is a positive, and course Bisgrove himself really knows what he’s doing.
But as much praise as we offer this Rangers board, and as much as they’re rightly receiving from the fanbase at large, they will be properly judged by the club’s success on the pitch.
It’s all well and good ‘doing all the right things’ off the pitch if they don’t translate to tangible improvements on it.
Ibrox Noise always wants, where feasible, to keep balance in our content – we want to be able to praise Rangers and enjoy the club and its success, but we’re all too aware that such things can be taken away overnight – look at our near-instant decline after the previous board failed miserably to follow up 55 with the correct patterns of engagement to sustain that success.
And as such, we want to be praising our board for a systemic plan, for the right mechanics to install a rigid and reliable timeline of productivity, rather than some quick fix which wins the league and to hell with following up on it.
Bisgrove and co are absolutely doing the right things as it stands, but it will mean nothing if we can’t get the players we need and are left for dead by Celtic next season again.
We know the board knows this, and while success on the pitch is ultimately manager Michael Beale’s responsibility, he can only p*ss with the c*ck he’s got and the board need to support him and give him the best tools with which to have that success.
They’ve made all the right noises at this point, and we have huge trust in Bisgrove’s capabilities, but the proof will be in the pudding and we’ll all watch with a careful eye how season 23/24 unfolds under Beale, Bisgrove and Bennett.