If we’re honest, the one result we really didn’t expect at Ibrox was a draw. Some did, but this wasn’t one we reckoned would see a point a piece.
There was just so much riding on this match, and generally-speaking both managers seem to be reasonably content with the outcome, but the crux remains:
Rangers cannot beat Celtic in the league.
After a horrendous starting XI, Clement gave his men a mountain to climb, then incompetence at the back gave them a 2-goal start as well.
It was as abject a first half as we’ve ever seen, reminding us very much of Gio’s nightmare at Parkhead in 2022.
Once the sub was made, rather scapegoating Wright in the process despite the fact he should never have selected him, Rangers did improve, even if the penalty was a bit soft at best and then the equaliser was a deflection.
But the outcome? The 3-3? Who got more from that?
The truth is neither side.
It leaves the situation at mild stalemate, with Rangers now having to go to Boghead, sorry, Dens Park and try to pick up a massive 3 points to go 2 clear.
After that, many think it comes down to the Split match at Parkhead. Well yes and no.
The fact is, we don’t trust Big Phil in Old Firms – he’s screwed two of them now, learning nothing in the East End. It’s clear that Rangers can’t beat Celtic at their place or ours, so we’re already omitting that three points. It’s a bonus if we can get anything over there.
So it comes down to all the rest of the matches – we have 9 points coming in v Dundee, County and Hearts, then it’s the Split. That’s 4×3. 21 points total, with the bonus three if by a miracle we can get something in the east.
And that means both Rangers and Celtic have it equally in their own hands now.
For the neutral this was a good result, but Rangers can’t be thrilled to have picked up one point of 9 v Celtic this season.
And it leaves us nonethewiser.
We did say that data points to Clement overall performing better, and that the result doesn’t actually affect 56 if the pattern continues.
We stand by that.
Clement should still win the league for Rangers, and we don’t think he’ll even come close to beating Celtic to do it.
That’ll be a fun asterisk to put in the history books won’t it…