Rangers need to be wary of the BBC again.
Not that the club was ever best pals with the bunch at Pacific Quay, but there’s no denying Kheredine Idessane, a raging Celtic fan, is working his hardest at provoking the club into juicy headlines, with now two recent incidents of interviewing or asking questions of manager Philippe Clement which tried to rile the manager into giving him a sensational story.
He failed both times.
Jane Lewis, also of the BBC, has also clearly earmarked Clement as someone to chip at as well, with a troll at a recent press conference over Alex Lowry.
The BBC are very much back into ‘friends close enemies closer’ territory as their journos do their best to get scandal from Rangers.
Do they do the same with Celtic? No idea, we never watch Celtic press conferences, interviews or any other media material. We don’t even watch Celtic matches, unless Rangers are playing them.
So we wouldn’t know if the BBC are trying to jab at Rodgers and co as well.
It’s all about the Rangers, and it’s clear Idessane and Lewis are into troll territory and trying to get something hot to put on the front page.
The problem for both of them is Clement is far, far far too canny to give them anything.
For someone whose mother tongue isn’t English, Rangers’ boss is a master of giving the press just enough to keep them ‘satisfied’ while not actually biting on the bait they offer.
STV’s Raman Bhardwaj remains guilty of this to this day, always trying to get his juicy ‘probing’ questions in there.
But of course, in a way, we do all three of them a disservice – they are not club media partners or fan sites, they’re not Rangers Review or FF or other Rangers outlets who, of course, would ask supportive or neutral questions.
They are the tabloid media and their job is not to chummy-chum up with Rangers, it’s to get information of gravity.
But we can’t help feeling there’s a little bit of agenda going on here, trying to provoke because he’s the Rangers manager.
Still, we should be flattered, we suppose…