Barry Ferguson did so much right in punditry in Ibrox Noise’s views – he was bang on over the pressures of being a Ranger and how much it actually meant, and what the demands really are.
We greatly admired that.
We weren’t so keen on his bigging up Michael Beale a month or two before his exit, where he decided it was ridiculous and a bad idea to change Rangers manager at this point, and his latest babble unfortunately seems to be the latest in a growing line from the former Ibrox captain of comments completely out of touch and more than a spot ‘against’ the club.
Speaking about new manager Philippe Clement, Ferguson took the ‘contrary’ view of slightly criticising the cryo chamber ‘theory’ whereby the manager believes that will help the injury issues. ‘For example’, the Belgian said.
Ibrox Noise ran a story about this which was very well received worldwide, and we stand by the views.
The problem with Ferguson? He’s worded it like Clement claims this is an outright solution, the 100% answer. Which is not what the manager did. He offered it as a possible avenue, one area the club has fallen short in. Not as the definitive answer.
But Ferguson criticised it as if Clement offered it as the resolution, and the ex-Rangers player started saying that alone isn’t enough, and it would only help a little bit.
True, and Clement didn’t say otherwise.
Add to this fellow ex-Ger Graeme Souness outright undermining Clement recently and selling Frank Lampard as his choice, and we do wonder why these respected Rangers men (well, sort of respected) are spewing this rubbish and not supporting the club and the manager here.
Both of them are Rangers guys to the core, we believe, and yet while of course they are allowed their views, these are influential men, who have clout, and one of them is trying to get a job at the club for goodness’ sake. Views which criticise or undo this manager or his authority quite simply aren’t welcome at the moment, and that includes fan groups criticising selections as well.
Clement has been remarkable so far, and everyone needs to get on the same page here and pull together. Especially those with a media voice and influence.
And we can’t say Ferguson or Souness have exactly done that lately.