We’re discouraged at the latest news over Andy Goram, with new reports claiming he only has barely two months to live. As tragic as this is, we were even more appalled to see the first result for his name being an anti-Goram article from a cesspit Celtic website, deciding to take digs at the man in the final weeks of his life.
There is a level of decency we utterly appreciated last year from the green and whites, where they came together to honour Walter Smith, in a way he would certainly have been grateful for. That a bunch of officials from Celtic laid a wreath, like Walter had himself all those years ago at Celtic Park for Tommy Burns, hinted at a thawing of the vitriolic ice which separates Rangers and Celtic.
But then more recently, they proved this had been something of a front, a pretend support, as normal service resumed following the passing of Jimmy Bell, then Rangers’ defeat in the UEL final.
The poison returned and the shameful slurs and scenes were back.
And for a Celtic website to pen an article attacking Goram while he cherishes his few remaining weeks on this planet is despicable.
Goram might not be a saint, but who is, and for what he did in football he deserves support. There have been some green inclined who have wished him well and said he broke their hearts so many times in the 90s, and those minority of decent folks are welcome through the divide.
But to publish nonsense like this is unacceptable.
We will always defend Rangers men against trash like this, and Goram will know the vast majority are very much on his side and want only the best for him.
Goram is one of our own, and will be till the end and beyond.
We’re with you.
I hate Celtic with a passion. Their fans, a sizeable number of them, are subhuman scumbags who do not deserve a place in humanity. Disgusting.
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