It may be knee-jerk, it may even be fickle, but an overriding reaction from last night’s debacle is how badly James Tavernier undid all the good work he’s done as captain the past 12 months and became a true shame of the jersey.
He was not alone, let’s be absolutely clear, he wasn’t the only one having a God-awful night, but he IS the captain and unsurprisingly was nowhere to be seen for post-match media duties, leaving it instead for Scotty Arfield who has represented the club after bad results quite a few times before.
So, for us, Tavernier’s time as captain is done. A captain leads. They take responsibility. They certainly don’t in part cause the collapse then run away when it’s time to take numbers.
He showed his true nature – hiding, no accountability, and yet another deeply wounding blot on his fairly modest record as captain. His mistakes cost the team yet again, and he didn’t even say sorry.
James Tavernier is no Rangers captain, and while we may process this and think differently in a few days, as things stand, he should be stripped immediately.
Replaced by? John Lundstram or Scott Arfield – these two are the only two we trust as captain, two who truly lead and who remain strong players for the club. They are two of the few who earned respect last night, with Connor Goldson another.
Goldson has recently improved a lot but we’re nowhere near ready to want him as captain. Has to do it a bit more this season for us to be that fickle about a player who 10 days ago we’d have driven to the airport ourselves.
No, Scotty and Lundstram truly know what it is to play for Rangers, what this club means, and have earned the right to contend for the role.
Tavernier has now lost that right.
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Lundstrum all day, will we get any more than another season out of Arfield? Doubt it
YES he is always up for tv interviews etc when the team doing well ,the moment the proverbial hits the fan he is nowhere to be seen ,much like his defending .
Good going forward here ,but cannot defend for toffee the minute the levels are raised ,even here v that other lot at porkheid .
Defo not lundstrum hes been poor with his passing and judgement. Ran about last night like a headless chicken. To much of a liability. There’s gonna be some difficult decisions to be made with rangers the captaincy is the least of our worries
Arfield for me
Tavenier should never have been there in the first place
Goldson as vice captain
I have already made my opinion known he is not a great defender he is an attacking midfielder ,he has shown by not talking to he media he should lose his captaincy armband
I don’t know who should be captain, Lundstrum I am a fan of but is he captain material definitely give 100% good or bad. But Tav I think should lose it. He’s definitely never a defender. Dragged all over the place on Wednesday night out his depth. I have never seen him when things are going bad take the lead role or stand up and be counted.
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