Rangers break with tradition in unprecedented move

In an unprecedented move, Rangers have confirmed the Hummel partnership is terminated and the club will move to a different manufacturer for next season, affirming that the Auchenhowie complex may be restored to “The Rangers Training Centre” as well.

This is slightly unprecedented as Rangers have actively begun to appeal for a replacement, and we can’t ever recall that being done before – why that’s the case better people than us can tell you, but it is slightly puzzling a club of the size of the Famous felt the urge this time to stage borderline auditions for a new manufacturer.

We were never terribly fond of the training complex being called the Hummel, not because we have anything against sponsorship (let’s face it, it makes the sports world go round these days) but because Hummel, while the shirt design was mostly very good this season (even if it was difficult to buy for many reasons), it’s not a brand with the reputation Rangers need.

Rangers deserve a big name again, a historic name, and brand which works in concert with the size of club we are, and if the training complex is to get such a sponsorship deal, we’d rather have a more prominent name to go on it.

This is not to smear Hummel, they served their purpose, and fit the stage of our regrowth Rangers were in at the time, but Rangers outgrew them and have earned a bigger title.

Time to move on.

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