Stevie G in classic journo put down – embarrassing

Steven Gerrard today provided an amusing and stinging rebuke to a journalist today for ‘not doing his homework’ after the scribe ignorantly asked if Brandon Barker would be involved tomorrow night at Ibrox.

The 22-year old signed from Manchester City for £250,000 was not clinched in time for the UEL tie, and indeed certainly hadn’t been named in the 22-man squad for the two-parter, so naturally was completely ineligible.

And Stevie G wasted no time at all in gently ribbing the hack for making such a hash of it:

“No, I don’t think you’ve done your homework, have you? I think you have to name Brandon Barker before the first tie [sic] leg so I’m unable to add him unfortunately.”

This is the kind of lazy journalism which is bad enough to read from a red top (not that we do on this site) but is even worse when delivered in a professional press conference.

Gerrard rightly put this chap down in his place.

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