Rangers’ board to resign?

The fabled EGM is almost upon us.
With the venue finally confirmed as our own backyard, Rangers’ board will go
head-to-head with the suitors to the chairs, Dave King, Paul Murray & John
Or will they?

As Richard Wilson’s in-depth
analysis of the likely vote directions details, King et al start out with a
presumed 47.74% while the board & Ashley possess a starting block of
35.74%. That is already a gulf of 12% the current incumbents require to make
up, and with a groundswell of momentum towards King & the various fan
groups and share blocs, it is quite possible the board, aware they are not
going to win, will appoint the three and resign ahead of the EGM instead of
simply losing the vote on the day.
Of course this is conjecture, but
with the egos of the likes of Somers in play, a man like that would rather
‘quit on his own terms’ than be outright beaten.
Interestingly, a fellow blogger
we all know by the name of William McMurdo, perhaps unfairly castigated down
the years for being a little too aligned with the present regime (ultimately,
like myself, he simply has Rangers’ best interests at heart), has himself
changed tact and while he far from condones King, he has himself admitted
Ashley (and the board) is behaving deplorably.
This suggests he too realises the
board and Ashley are about to lose/resign due to faults and failures of their
own making.
My previous entry on Ashley tried
to be impartial but it thoroughly condemned his refusal to behave with any
transparency – add his rather poor general conduct to that overall and his
utterly disrespectful tactics, and my comment about him ‘using’ Rangers seems
particularly apposite.
This will be a close battle for
sure, but ultimately the sooner Rangers start being respected by the suits as
much as it is loved by the fans, the better.

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