According to online reports last night Rangers fans were in fury after being told by hospitality that they stood a chance of losing their Manchester United tickets and current service if they dared to participate in the protest.
Now while we at Ibrox noise didn’t support the protest either nevertheless the club telling fans not to participate or lose what they had paid for was just yet another example of Rangers division both in the fan base and in the club.
Obviously we cannot confirm the absolute veracity of the claims made online but nevertheless the accounts that tweeted these claims would have little reason to lie and as far as we know are respected members of the fanbase.
When hospitality is threatening supporters with exile from the stadium, it is not a good look.
Rangers of course won the match fairly comfortably but it was what was going on off the pitch in the stands and in hospitality that raised far more concern.
It is safe to say things are not well at Ibrox right now with a lame duck manager supporter, disharmony and generally poor performances.
But with hospitality threatening fans outside of the union bears there is definitely rising disconnect between the club the staff and significantly supporters.
There is long been a problem between fan connect and club which had improved a speck with the fan forum devised by the previous CEO.
Unfortunately, once again we are seeing issues between club hierarchy and the fan base and it just adds to what is continuing to be a mess.