Rangers confirm one man is now new Ibrox boss

Rangers confirm one man is now new Ibrox boss
Rangers' new CEO Patrick Stewart gives his first interview.

Rangers’ new CEO Patrick Stewart has confirmed he is the absolute ultimate boss of Rangers and that new chairman Fraser Thornton is (merely) a non-executive.


In a change from John Bennett being executive ala Douglas Park before him, a change to Rangers’ corporate structure (which the board announced as being implemented) sees Stewart as the sole custodian of Rangers’ executive affairs and will be the absolute power regarding how the club is run.

He has confirmed he will be answerable to everyone else of course, and will not run off with the keys to the kingdom by any manner of means, but Stewart is definitively the only high-ranking executive on Rangers’ board and will have the big red button to get action done.

He said:


“I have had really good discussions with Fraser (Thornton). I initially spoke to him a couple of weeks ago and we had a good connection. I am excited about Fraser starting. I am meeting him again today and we will dive into lots of different issues. In terms of how the roles differ, I guess very high level – Fraser is a non-executive chairman and I am an executive CEO. What that means, is day to day I will be in the club, running the club, looking after operational matters, whereas Fraser is non-exec where he is one step removed. Clearly, whatever I am doing day to day, I have to operate in a framework which is agreed with the board and with Fraser, and I am accountable to the board and to Fraser. But day to day it will be me who is coming into Ibrox, going to Auchenhowie and helping drive the club forward.”

This is a polite way of confirming he’s the boss.

He is indeed accountable to the rest, but on the day-to-day running of Rangers, and having executive power to make changes and press that red button if need be, Stewart is Rangers’ boss now.

It appears he will have even more powers than James Bisgrove and Stewart Robertson did, and Rangers are entrusting the man with a huge deal of responsibility.


Here’s hoping he justifies that faith.

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