Claim made that Rangers to return to Ibrox in late September

Claim made that Rangers to return to Ibrox in late September
The latest at Ibrox as work continues....

The word from the ever-reliable tabloids is that Rangers chairman John Bennett’s reluctant projection of late September early October for Rangers’ return to Ibrox may actually be on, after it was claimed by the red tops and one in particular that the elusive steel is finally in Govan, after a 10-week delay.


Now, we’re not construction workers, nor are we armchair company executives who know everything there is to know about running Rangers, but neither are the papers or Andy Newport so how they know for sure we’re… not so sure.

But the information is out there now allegedly that the third shipment is in Govan, having travelled the length of Britain from Southampton to get where it needs to be, and now in theory, the work and Rangers’ return is just a waiting game to see how quickly the job can be done.

It has been an abysmal mismanagement of something that could and should have been done over the summer, the plan being to start in early June and be ready for early August.


That of course failed, and it’s only really started now, meaning it’s potentially at least 8 weeks of work in theory.

So it would have to be ‘ahead of schedule’ for Rangers to make Ibrox again at the end of next month – Ibrox Noise would suggest it’s more likely to be very, very deep into October before plans can be made about getting the team and fans back home, but you never, ever know.

We did pessimistically suggest January could be the ballpark, but hopefully with the steel no longer being delayed (as appears to be the case) the date will be this side of Guy Fawkes.


It’s been a shambles, no two ways about it.

But hopefully, fingers crossed, we’ll be home before the end of the year.

We can but hope.

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