As Ibrox Noise has been reporting, Rangers chairman John Bennett gave his first fully-fledged interview on the Ibrox shambles not to mention a wide array of other topics, and while as a site we considered his performance acceptable, we’re aware that we, like all Rangers groups, do not speak for all supporters.
So we wanted to know our readers’ takes on Bennett’s interview – did he win your trust, did he not, or were you undecided?
An Ibrox Noise poll revealed that once again, Rangers supporters weren’t particularly happy with the board, with just 20% believing in Bennett or trusting him following the interview, while 69% did not, and 11% remained neutral.
Which means at best 31% either trust him or don’t know, and at worst 80% don’t trust him or aren’t sure.
Which isn’t really a ringing endorsement of the boss at the club.
Ibrox Noise doesn’t completely agree – Bennett’s own investment into the club has gone largely unnoticed, very few currently have put his level of cash in, at around £23M.
This is documented, not just by his own confession, but by his stakeholding – he owns 5.51% of the entire club.
For fans who like to claim Bennett is a spiv and has done nothing for the club, he’s put in a tonne of cash and usually that means something.
He’s by no means alone, Douglas Park, Stuart Gibson, George Taylor and George Letham are other individuals who have also invested, put their own money where their mouths are as well, but the fact so many Rangers supporters slate Bennett as a parasite or a liar is a bit unfair.
But that they do – a Rangers man like he who is chair at the club and put £23M into it.
And that is apparently meaningless.
It does seem you have to be called Dave King (who wants his money back, let’s not forget) for some Rangers fans to take your money seriously.
Anyone else is just a spiv apparently.