Today was a dramatic day for Rangers fans with Chairman John Bennett finally addressing the stadium fiasco properly and confirming the club’s finances.
It didn’t matter what he said, some fans weren’t interested – the same ones demanding he says something, and while Ibrox Noise has criticised the board significantly, we can’t really say he did much wrong in his comments here.
The big two were over the stadium, and the official confirmation that there is basically 10% chance Rangers will be back in Ibrox by the start of October, and the finances. We’ll cover the finances later.
The chairman admitted the stadium’s opening was effectively in the hands of the Gods, and that he could only hope that the remaining shipment of materials would be in Govan by late August.
He then admitted this meant there’s only a small chance IF EVERYTHING GOES TO PLAN (and it never does) that the team can be back in Ibrox by the end of September.
This basically means Rangers fans can dismiss that date and project that at earliest, Rangers’ home at Ibrox will be ready by mid-October.
That is, in itself, an optimistic projection – on top of the variables of the materials and their shipments is operational delays in construction. You just can’t put a time frame on it any better than a plumber’s estimate. It’s just an educated guess, no more.
Which basically means?
It would be a big result for Rangers to play ANY home matches at Ibrox this calendar year going forward.
Ibrox Noise reported a potential of January a few weeks ago, and while abused for it at the time by fans who knew better, we’re seeing more and more supporters concede it’s possible now – some even write off the entire campaign. We don’t go that far, but it’s worrying.
Either way, forget mid-September, isn’t happening. Rangers will be at Hampden for home matches for some months at least, and we’d be very, very impressed if we’re back at Ibrox by the time Guy Fawkes is doing his thing.
A few fireworks might get let off in Govan in celebration if it happens by then.