If ever we wondered why Alex Lowry’s football career never mind Rangers career appears to be stagnant, Rangers TV’s insightful release of manager Philippe Clement’s mic’d up session threw up a hundred reasons, not to mention the insight in general it gave about how Clement operates as a boss.
The wealth of info that was in there, the first time a Rangers boss has been recorded like this in training, was enough to commentate on for the best part of the rest of the season, but the focus in this one is Lowry.
Coming just a few days after Ibrox Noise suggested Lowry might be getting something of a second chance at Ibrox given his prominence in preseason, the mic’d up video offered a big reveal on just what Lowry’s issues seem to be, and why he is unlikely to make the grade at a club with the demands of Rangers.
Firstly, in a training ground routine, the players were to receive the ball and break forward. Not Lowry. He got the ball, pushed it forward, and stood stationary as the game moved on without him.
Clement pointed this out, that he needed him to work harder and not stand around after moving the ball forwards.
This was, incidentally, in concert with the boss praising Lowry (and other players) for doing things right, so it wasn’t like Clement was picking him out to criticise.
But then the real problem surfaced – another exchange where the boss was yelling some instruction at the playmaker, who looked as disinterested as possible, looking away, like he wasn’t taking anything in.
In short, Lowry’s issue seems to be having all the talent in the world (the boy can play) but not having the fortitude between the ears to work hard and learn.
We’ve heard rumours about his attitude just not being good enough, well we can see why – immensely frustrating to see a borderline unprofessional attitude like this, when he has the talent to go places in this sport.
Will he make it? If he’s not showing the attitude now, into his 20s, will he ever?