Nils Koppen must do better for Rangers and Philippe Clement

Nils Koppen must do better for Rangers and Philippe Clement
This the main man charged at the head of recruitment...

There’s a little bit of debate the past few weeks about ‘who is actually making the signings at Rangers’.


Some fans, who previously argued ‘judge him on his own team ffs’ with respect to Philippe Clement are now unhappy with the players and starting to point the finger at Director of Football Recruiment Nils Koppen.

So the big question is ‘who is making the signings’?

And the answer is easy.


Nils Koppen and his recruitment team.

We could just stop the article there but suspect you want a little more information.

Philippe Clement has never, we repeat, NEVER made a single signing off his own back and of his own choice.


From his management days at Genk then Brugge and now Rangers, Clement has little to do with the signing process, leaving all of the work down to a Sporting Director and recruitment and scouting team.

Guy Martens was his sporting director while the technical director was Dimitri De Conde in 2018/2019 and then at Brugge it was Arthur Van de Casteele as the main recruitment scout.

In short, Clement operates under a recruitment department and doesn’t really take part in signing players.


This has always been the way for him, and it’s the same at Rangers.

This is why Rangers specifically set up a Director of Football Recruiment – someone who would do that side of the job. The thing is, Ibrox Noise has reported this before, but some fans still want to ‘judge him on his own team ffs’ and yet he never has such a thing.

Clement will have a few players he does like, and will mention them to the club, but overall it’s the recruitment staff and scouting system that does the work of finding and recruiting players.

Clement? Generally he just endorses the players they find and takes what he’s given.

Unless you’re about to tell us Clement himself specifically sought out Jefte and Nsiala?

So, Koppen calls the shots, and Clement takes what he gets.

Problem is what he’s getting this summer is not very good so far, and he wants Koppen and the board to do a lot better than this.

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