If we had any doubts about how badly Rangers are being run, and how far this club has actually crumbled in the past 3+ months, the now-deleted X post promoting this summer’s friendly with Manchester United by billing it as ‘the battle of the cup finalists’ probably ends such misgivings.
As we can see, the promotional post said it not only once, but twice, reminding us gloriously that while Man Utd at least won their FA Cup Final, Rangers most certainly did not, and while some fans will fume with rage at this article telling us that ‘Rangers have more important things to worry about than a social media post ffs’ it’s hardly the professional look of a club trying to be taken seriously.

Indeed, it’s the kind of sh*te a Hearts or Hibs would have posted had they scored a summer friendly with Utd, and made the Cup Final themselves.
On the day Jose Cordoba rejected the club in favour of Norwich, we have to say this summer window has hardly started with a quality fanfare and serious statement of intent.
For all the comments about ‘judge him on his own team ffs’ it appears the social media accounts are trying to distract from that already with utterly rotten posts designed to degrade the club as having ‘achieved’ a cup final.
Must do better?
Yes, we must.
Rangers have seen a massive staff turnover the past few years, anyone will have seen the colossal number of ads the club has put out for new staff in this department and that one, and clearly the social media folks who gave this one the green light must themselves be a bit green around the ears to have believed this was what we want to see from our club.
It’s not often we care, but yes, we noticed everyone was laughing at this post before its (timely) withdrawal, and we could do without this as well as signing absolute mince this summer.
Nothing quite like a stupid social media gaff to cheer you right up.