There is no doubt that anyone willing to critically think about what Michael Beale was doing as manager this summer was aware his actions were wrong and weren’t working.
Ibrox Noise was concerned about one comment today on the site that will remain anonymous:
“I’m just going to leave this here as a reminder.
And a little something for you to to think about. Are you really a fan or only when they are winning?!
Would you turn up at your work and give 100% when you are constantly slated on social media for every thing you do?! (Players are only human too you know!)
Maybe if everyone got behind the manager and this team and stopped being so negative it could help build some confidence. All we’ll see now, and for the foreseeable, will be calling for the manager to be sacked
Why not try being a supportive fan that sticks by and supports the team through both the good and bad?!”
This was in response to Ibrox Noise suggesting that we enjoyed the 4-0 scoreline v Livingston.
This, sadly, was the mentality of quite a few Rangers fans this summer – blind faith and willing support no matter what fare was being presented. And the idea of critical thinking was being abolished by individuals like this, those who wanted condition-less support and unequivocal backing.
And this is why we are now currently sitting in a desperate position in the league – not just because Michael Beale signed this rubbish, but because fans weren’t willing to question it.
Yes, we gave Abdallah Sima a little praise and slack on Wednesday, but today was back to the same old from the Senegalese and made us regret being so kind to him.
And that is exactly the issue further – this fan told us to be positive and supportive and the performances would reflect that. So Ibrox Noise offered a lot of support and positivity since Wednesday, even praising that diabolical defence, and look at our reward for this. Maybe the worst performance and result of the season?
And this fundamentally is the problem – Michael Beale not only has no idea what he is doing, and constantly changes things trying something else, but the players he’s brought in are literally diabolical. Sadly, despite Ibrox Noise’s factual praise of Cyriel Dessers, our positive soundbites toward Abdallah Sima and our lavish words towards the defence lately, the reality remains that the whole Michael Beale era is a fail.
A total, expensive, and unconstructive fail which has ripped away so many of the things Rangers fans liked (Colak and Arfield being just two) and replaced them with substandard rubbish that isn’t convincing anyone.
We just do not know why Beale did this. Actually we do – he just didn’t like Colak or Arfield, and was determined to have his own men instead. To hell with what was best for the club, Michael Beale must be about the most selfish manager Rangers have ever had. His own ego and reputation seems to be paramount to him, and in getting rid of so many fan favourites, he was desperate to prove us wrong and win us over with results.
Nothing wrong with bringing your own guys in, but getting rid of such quality just for what seems like the sake of change really isn’t ideal.
And the soul has been ripped out with that – the Rangers ‘feel’ isn’t there right now, this doesn’t feel like a Rangers squad, a Rangers team.
Because all that was good and worth building on was removed and all that wasn’t was kept.
Beale has been nothing but destructive to Glasgow Rangers.
And the sooner he’s gone the better.