SFA chief takes aim at SPFL AND Rangers

SFA chief takes aim at SPFL AND Rangers
Scottish Foootball Association CEO Ian Maxwell looks on during during the 137th International Football Association Board (IFAB) meeting in the Qatari capital Doha on June 13, 2022. - Football's rules body today said that five substitutes would be permanently introduced for all top games and that an automatic offside detector is closer to being introduced for this year's World Cup. (Photo by KARIM JAAFAR / AFP) (Photo by KARIM JAAFAR/AFP via Getty Images)

SFA CE Ian Maxwell has 100% been fair in his role at Hampden. He has never been partial towards either side of the Old Firm, and has strived for neutrality, doing the best for the Scottish game where he can.


And when he admitted the SPFL and Rangers’ dispute over cinch was damaging, we don’t disagree.

We never favoured Douglas Park putting his own business interests before that of the league, and while Rangers spun the line that it was to do with the value of the deal, that is a complete crock because Ladbrokes before them barely gave much more.

No, the deals stink, for sure, but on this occasion, Park having his own dealership ergo refusing to promote a rival was the sole reason Rangers kept away from this sponsor.


And Maxwell’s comments are not wrong – he was wise enough not to directly slaughter Rangers’ board, or indeed the SPFL’s, but was bang on to point out the result of this petty set-to hurt the image of Rangers, of Scottish football, and ironically enough, the only ones to benefit were cinch themselves, with the increased exposure the publicity of the standoff created.

Maxwell said:

“The arbitration that was raised by the SPFL, they’ve written to us to conclude that. So that matter is now closed. If there’s a disagreement between the league body and one of their member clubs then that’s for those two parties to be try and sort out. I’ve got more than enough to be dealing with at this end of the corridor. Any arbitration and any dispute, and there have been a few over the years but not too many, thankfully, none of them can be positive. They’re all damaging in their own way and we should be trying to avoid them at all costs. I’m glad that one is over and there seems to be a resolution.”

He’s not wrong – if we look at the language used, he in no way picks at Rangers, or SPFL, just points out the whole thing was an ugly look for Scottish football.


It finally sorted itself out and we can all move on, but there’s no question Rangers, more than any other club in this country, seem to pick fights where we can and dig our heels in.

Our board is very uncooperative and while it’s not like we at Ibrox Noise endorse the SPFL or the country we play in, it nevertheless IS our bread and butter and working with the powers that be rather than always fighting them might end up a better proposition for the club.

Just saying.

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  1. For years we took all the shit from the rest of Scottish football and turned the other cheek. Something had to change but we’ve now went too far and come across as petty and vindictive. The message is now out that we won’t take it anymore and now we need to learn to pick our battles.

  2. Why is this person trying to upset the SFA who are corrupt anyway, is he trying to upset the apple cart? Just shut your geggy and get on with the job your getting overpaid for.

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